Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gosh, I haven't blogged in a while

Wow! It's been forever since I've blogged. I didn't even know I got my very first comment back in August!

Life has been very good. The summer was amazing! We went to the ocean for a few days in August and had a blast. I hadn't ever been there before. Well, that's not true. I grew up on Long Island, so of course I have been to the ocean. But I had never been to the ocean off the Maine coast before. It was a lot of fun.

My wife's birthday is saturday! Woo hoo for my baby! And on Friday we will have been together for 4 years, 4 months and 4 days, and it will be exactly 4 months until my birthday. I know, I'm weird to know this, but maybe it's a sign! Maybe I should play the lottery and win and get all rich and shit and have gobs of money to throw around and buy a pony or an indoor pool or a jacuzzi, or just pay our neighbors to move so we can knock down their house and have our own driveway! Okay, so that's probably not gonna happen, but a girl can dream, can't she?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sugar Nuts

When my wife ansewered the phone this afternoon with a sweet little "hello?", I instinctively said "Well hello sugar nuts," and we both giggled. Now I know my wife has no nuts to speak of, but we always like coming up with new little names for each other. Here are a few she calls me:

Henrietta Farnsworth
Norm Runion
My sexy wife
and of course pumpkin, honey and baby

My names for her:

sugar nuts
pumpkin britches
poopy head
love muffin
and of course, baby, honey and sweetie

What are some of your pet names for your loved one?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kickboxing and Stinky Armpits

Okay, so today I went to my 5th ever kickboxing class. I love, love, LOVE this class! It is a total crazy workout, and it kicks my butt, but it is so worth it! I am going to be one hot beeyotch come summer. (I hope!) Of course, this class is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays for March, so after this month I will have to find other amusing ways to kick my own butt.

There were two things that really bugged me about today's class. Number one: instead of the usual 30-40 people in the class, the boys and girls basketball teams joined us, making the total- oh about 1 zillion people, in an already hot gym. This would not normally be an issue, but they kept yapping and laughing, and the "boys" were trying to be all goofy and cool. No wonder I am a lesbian. I hate it when boys act like that. Anywho, after a little bit, the instructor, who, by the way, has CRAZY amounts of energy, told them all that they wouldn't be talking through their other classes, and she would appreciate it if they would quiet down. That worked for about 4.2 seconds. Why is it that they cannot act like the adults they want us to treat them like? Okay, so I understand that when it's your first class, you are feeling awkward, and all of these hetero feelings are fluttering through you because it's a co-ed thing, but puh-lease - some people are trying to concentrate - shut your traps!

Complaint number two: Stinky armpits. Okay, I am not saying I smell like roses and kisses while I am working out, but some of these girls (and guys) were wearing tanktops, and when they lifted their arms, I was practically knocked out by the smell of deoderant and sweat. EWWWWW! Please ladies, wear teeshirts that cover your armpits when you kickbox. It will save the whole class from smelling your BO.

**Note: Not all of these people smelled - but there were one or two that were particularly bad - so just as a general note to everyone, I would recommend against the tank top thing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Notes From The Edge

Well, today is a decidedly boring day at work, and while I will not go into great detail about the nature of my work, let's just say I work in an academic setting. On a campus. And if you can't get close to what I do from there, you are an idiot.

This week is break week. Hooray. And if you cannot detect the sarcasm, you are still an idiot. Why this place needs to keep us all here when no students are around is beyond me. Oh wait! I remember why now, to torture us. To make us sit behind our desks/in a cubicle/in an empty gym, etc., with the terrible echoing Q-U-I-E-T for 7.5 hours! To make the only thing we hear being the tapping of our keyboards as we type blogs or surf the net or go shopping online. How productive is that? The phone rarely even rings!

There are some people, I will not name names, who prefer weeks like this. I do not. I would rather be at home, snuggled up on the couch with my wife under a heating blanket, watching movies. Heck, I would rather be listening to my 13 yr old stepson bore me to tears talking about his maj this, and his prayer level that on Runescape, then be here on weeks like this. (I like to tell him that I have 1 million power in headlight fluid changing, just to shut him up).

Not enough for you? Ok, I would rather be scratching my eyes out with a rusty paperclip dipped in alcohol, than sitting here on break week. Fridays of break week are the worst! I think they take that one day and stretch it out to be, oh about 10,000 hours, and have it be the quietest day of all, until we are all looking at the clock every 10 seconds and muttering, "Is it 4:30 yet," in increasingly creepy voices. And here it is, just Tuesday, and I am already going insane! Maybe I'll take Friday off.

The only thing to break up my week is that I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. Yippee!! (yeah right!) I have to get an old filling drilled out and a new one put in. Who knew fillings could wear out over time? I certainly didn't when I bit down on my dinner one night and was nearly knocked over by the pain. Luckily, if the tooth is not cracked, this should fix the problem. See? I told you this was going to be exciting. This is my idea of an adventure! Going to the dentist, and doing it during working hours! Woohoo! I am such a rebel.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my job. I know I am very lucky to have it, and that many people in the world do not have one (and my personal opinion is that if you don't have one, you should not be reading blogs on the computer - go out and try to get one! Unless you are disabled, then you can stay). Many people do not get the great benefits, paid vacations, holidays off, and M-F schedule. I thank goodness for my job (and my life) just about everyday. Which is why I won't be giving out specific info about the place, or be blogging about the people. I can't afford to lose this job, and wouldn't want to. I just wanted to get that gay. (I don't use the word straight much. I even say "you go gayly forward through the stoplight," while giving directions. Well, not to strangers). Anywho, I have gone on long enough.

Someone please send me good vibes to make it through this week unscathed! (of course, seeing as no one reads this, I will send myself good vibes).
